Online Self-regulation Questionnaire: Validity and Reliability Study of Turkish Translation

Öz This study aims to translate online self-regulated learning questionnaire (OLSQ) into Turkish and administer its validity and reliability issues. In the questionnaire, 24 items were translated into Turkish separately by nine experts, and then back-translation was conducted by two language experts. Pilot test was conducted with 321 students enrolled in fully online associate degree programs in a well-known public university in Adana, Turkey. In terms of validity issue, confirmatory factor analysis indicated that Turkish OLSQ was valid with acceptable worth of fit values: χ2/df = 2.45, RMSEA = .06, RMR =.08, SRMR = .06, TLI = .89, CFI = .90, GFI = .86, AGFI = .84, and NFI = .80. Regarding with reliability, Cronbach’s alpha values indicating internal consistency varied between .67 and .87 for three sub-factors, and .95 for the whole instrument which yields high reliability. Therefore, Turkish OLSQ could be used to measure learners’ self-regulated skills in any kind of online learning settings since it provided its validity and reliability issues and fits with the original version.


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