Sur La Situation De La Pratique Actuelle De La Traduction Des Textes Journalistiques

naturellement assumé ce devoir, car tous se passe autour de lui et les fonctions langagières qui le produisent. Définir le texte concerné, tracer ses limites, révéler ses propres caractéristiques linguistiques et extra linguistiques, sont donc des premières réflexions de toute sorte d’étude traductologique. Evidemment, de nos jours, il existe une deuxième réflexion qui s’ajoute à la première, qui consiste à déterminer vers quel texte doit le traducteur s’orienter, vers le texte source ou le texte cible, selon la nature du type du texte

Sur La Situation De La Pratique Actuelle De La Traduction Des Textes Journalistiques

This study was carried out by focusing on the concrete observations and the methodological readings to attract the attention to the habitual existence of the daily translation practice of the newspaper scripts and texts that have been done against the translatology nature of the field. The study starts with the definition of the newspaper as a concept. Its place in human life, the function of it in the society, its characteristics in linguistics and its structure were analysed. As a follow-up step, fundamentals of the newspaper script translation were taken as the basics of the study by referring to two of the three basic script types (scripts having information about the news and articles). The third type- the advertising manuscripts were not included in this study as it is a different field and it needs another deep research. The rules and the principles that are necessary to refer during the translation period were deliberately defined. Within the frame of this study, in order to prove what has been said, a translational critic was created as a sample to oversee a published pair of text. Also, to support this only sample, the results of twelve critics done before in another study were taken with all the items stated.


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