Kamuda performans yönetiminin önemi

Günümüzde çoğu ekonomist tarafından yapılan açıklamalarda, kamu maliyetleri ile enflasyonda görülen artışı yetersiz olan performansa, bağlanmakta ve siyasi sebeplerle verilen kamu hizmetlerini azaltmak ya da bu hizmetleri vermemek yerine enflasyon ile başa çıkabilmek, işsizliği düşürmek, ücretleri yükseltmek, ekonomik gelişime yönelik teşvikler sunmak, ülke ekonomisini ve para değerine istikrar kazandırmak amacıyla kıt kaynakların olabildiği kadar, etkili ve verimli bir şekilde kullanılması önerilmektedir. Bu önerilerin gerçekleşebilirliğinin artırılması için de kamuda iyi bir performans yönetimine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Kamu kurumlarındaki gerekli olan planlama, ölçme, değerlendirme ve denetim fonksiyonlarının yerine getirilerek tüm personelin sürekli olarak gelişimi sağlanmalıdır. Bu doğrultuda yapılan iyi bir performans yönetimi sayesinde kamu kurumlarında etkinlik ve verimlilik artışı sağlanabilir.Çalışmada yöntem olarak; literatür taraması, yazınsal ve görsel kaynaklar ile gözlem yöntemi kullanılarak, Kamuda performans yönetiminin önemi ve iyi bir performans yönetiminin uygulanmaması sonrasında kamu kurumlarında karşılaşılan sorunlar hakkında bilgiler verilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu doğrultuda çalışmada; performans yönetimi, kamuda performans yönetiminin amaçları ve özellikleri, kamuda performans yönetiminin yararları, kamu performans yönetimi çeşitleri, kamuda performansı etkileyen faktörler, kamu kurumlarında performans uygulamaları, kamuda performans yönetiminin ilkeleri hakkında bilgiler verilerek değerlendirmelerde ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur. İyi bir performans yönetimi uygulayan özellikle insan faktörünü gözardı etmeyen kamu kurumlarında; yönetici ile çalışanlar arasında etkin bir iletişim sürecinin sağlandığı, çalışanların performanslarının ve verimliliklerinin arttığı buna bağlı olarak da kurumun etkinliğinin arttığı, insan faktörüne dayalı olmayan bir performans yönetimi uygulayan kamu kurumlarında ise etkinlik ve verimliliğin düştüğü faaliyet amaçlarını yeteri düzeyde yerine getiremediği öne çıkan bulgular arasındadır.

The importance of performance management in public

The main purpose of this study is to bring the importance of performance management in public institutions and organizations to the agenda. By using literature, local and national press as well as literary and visual resources and observation method in the study, it is aimed to give information about performance management’s importance in public and problems encountered in public institutions after a good performance management was not implemented. In this direction, in this study; information about the performance management, the objectives and characteristics of public performance management, the benefits of public performance management, the types of public performance management, the factors affecting the performance of the public, the performance practices in public institutions, the principles of performance management in the public are given and evaluations and suggestions are made.The concept of performance is a concept included in human resources management strategies. A lot of research has been done about the concept of performance. Research on the concept began to increase especially in the 1980s. Performance is the result of the activities carried out by both the employee and the business in fulfilling its goals and objectives. The success or failure of the results is to measure and evaluate the indicators among the concepts such as workforce, productivity, quality and satisfaction. The activities performed in this direction are called performance management.Today, most economists associate the increase in public costs and inflation with insufficient performance and instead of reducing or not providing public services for political reasons, they recommend to lower unemployment, to raise wages, to offer incentives for economic development, to stabilize the country's economy and money value and to use scarce resources as effectively and efficiently as possible to deal with inflation. There is a need for good performance management in the public to increase the realization of these proposals. Continuous improvement of all personnel should be ensured by fulfilling the necessary planning, measurement, evaluation and supervision functions in public institutions. With a good performance management in this direction, increase in efficiency and productivity can be achieved in public institutions.Due to the changing and developing technology in the world with the globalization, countries change their understanding of public administration; they adopt a management approach based on good performance management as well as the elements of citizenship, participation, transparency, efficiency and efficiency. With this new public management approach, the target is increasing the performance of public employees to improve the quality of the service provided to the citizen, combining inflation with the optimum benefit from scarce resources, ensuring growth by stimulating the economy, minimizing the unemployment problem, ensuring stability in national currency and increasing efficiency and productivity in production. Good performance management is needed to increase the realization of the stated objectives. Although there are many definitions of performance management, it is the realization process of required planning and organizational activities to reach organizational target. Performance management in the public sector is the process of carrying out measurement, planning, evaluation and auditing functions which are required for the permanent development of all personnel in public institutions and which are needed to reach these objectives.In the performance management system implemented in Turkey, it is faced with the problem ignoring the human element, especially, providing services through the companies in the private sector due to neoliberalism and the private sector sees the economy as a priority for the employee and hence the personnel as a distant commodity. In this context, in the performance management system which implemented in the public sector, the human factor should be taken into consideration in terms of both public and public services provided by the private sector. Thanks to a performance management system implemented in this direction in the public sector, it will be ensured that performance will increase continuously due to the increase in morale and motivation of public employees. Increasing efficiency and efficiency of the public service will increase the efficiency of the service offered to the public. Another problem is that works performed in the public performance management system which is evaluated according to numerical data rather than quality, causes problems in measuring performance. Therefore, if creating a good performance management is wanted in the public sector, the mentioned issues should be dealt with.In this direction, thanks to a good performance management applied in the people-oriented public, an effective communication process between the manager and the employees is provided, performance of employees increase, the achievements of the employees are determined and the ones to be rewarded are rewarded, necessary work to increase the success of the personnel with low success is done, manager and staff who achieve common purpose are combined. The main condition for achieving all these mentioned benefits is to ensure good performance management in the public sector. However, in order to establish a good performance management, a measurable performance criterion should be determined and evaluations should be made in accordance with the specified performance criteria. If the performance criteria are partially complied, partially disregarded, or discriminatory practices are applied in the implementation of performance criteria, the desired success in performance management can’t be achieved. In this regard, the prerequisite for good performance management is to create a measurable good performance criterion and to apply the criteria to all employees without any discrimination. In this way, employee satisfaction and performance will be increased and the desired target will be achieved in the public sector.Lastly, with the help of good performance management based on the human factor of public institutions and organizations which have been serving the society for a while and whose number has been diversified day by day, providing a transparent, participatory, accountable and effective service and increasing efficiency and profitability, it is thought that public demand and needs will be met in a short time and with maximum benefit in order to provide better and quality service to the public, which is the main aim of public administration.


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