Öz Globalization, postmodern culture and the progress in the transportation and communication enforced to increase the multicultural living within the world, especially in Europe. Nevertheless Europe has a trouble in managing to give the representation for the different cultures because of many reasons in last decade. After the global financial crisis suffered in 2008, Europe faced with huge economic problems. During this period of time, the rebellion and upheavals against the dictatorial regimes we witnessed in Middle East, called as Arab Spring, led to the revenge of the existing regimes and eventually civil wars. As a result of these civil wars, the immigrant issue come to the European agenda. The main problem was not merely the flux of the immigrants into Europe but their cultures they bring together. The European officials envisaged that the different cultures of Middle Eastern refugees may distort the cultural harmony in Europe. This fear has been called as Islamophobia, xenophobia and sometimes as racism because of the popular protests in European streets. In this article, I will attempt to elucidate the multicultural practice of Europe and its potential to include the different collective identities with theoretical perspective.


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