Şeyhu'l-İslam Kemâl Paşazâde’nin (ö. 1534) Hadis İlmine İlişkin Faaliyetleri, Şerhçiliği ve Hadis Usûlü Risâlesinin Tercümesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:


The hadith activities of Sheikh al-islam Kamal Pahsa-zadah (o. 1534), his method of explanation of hadiths and the translation of his Risalah on hadith methodology

ibn Kamal, as one of the prominent ulema of the Ottoman Empire, has concerned with all of the Islamic sciences including hadith and written about all of them both books and booklets/Risalahs. As to hadith science he seems to have attached importance on the one hand to the methodological issues; on the other hand to the sharh activities on the canonical hadith compilations. Especially concerning on the hadith sharh, ibn Kamal has written sharhs both on particular hadiths and canonical hadith works as well. When explanating the hadiths, he has emphasised on the legal and the theological dimensions. Relating to the usûl genre, he generally has in common with the methodological books written in the other islamic centers