A suggested syllabus for creative drama course in ELT

Öz Please fill up the following information accurately. (Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt. A suggested syllabus for creative drama course in ELT With an approach to teaching as a performing art, this study investigated the effects of creative drama on eight teaching skills and perceptions of 15 ELT (English Language Teaching) student teachers who took part in a 30-hour creative drama workshop. Their video-recorded teaching in a real classroom atmosphere was observed and evaluated by the researcher and two other trainers before and after the workshop to compare how their teaching skills changed based on the intervention. The results of the content analysis of observers notes on MAXQDA program showed that they improved all target teaching skills, but particularly body language, affective atmosphere, and spontaneous decision-making. Additionally, the content analysis of the reflections they kept after each drama session and the drama products including brief discussions during the sessions revealed positive perceptions on drama in teaching, design of drama sessions and video-recorded teaching. Based on these results, it was suggested that drama courses in ELT programs should be revisited. Information about Author(s)* Author 1 Author (Last name, First name)  Horasan Doğan, Seçil Affiliated institution (University)  Gazi UniversityCountry  Turkey Email address  secilhorasan@gmail.comDepartment & Rank  School of Foreign LanguagesCorresponding author (Yes/No) Write only one corresponding author.  Yes Author 2 Author (Last name, First name)  Cephe, Paşa Tevfik Affiliated institution (University)  Gazi UniversityCountry  Turkey Email address  pcephe@yahoo.comDepartment & Rank  English Language TeachingCorresponding author (Yes/No)  No Author 3 Author (Last name, First name)   Affiliated institution (University)   Country   Email address   Department & Rank   Corresponding author (Yes/No)   Author 4 Author (Last name, First name)   Affiliated institution (University)   Country   Email address   Department & Rank   Corresponding author (Yes/No)    


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