Popüler Dini Yönelimlerin İncelenmesinde Karşılaşılan Güçlükler ve Çözüm Önerileri

Popüler din karmaşık bir konu içeriğine sahip olduğundan kimi problem ve güçlüklere sahiptir. Bilim problemlerle gelişir. Bilimsel ürünler, bilimsel problemlerin ele alınıp incelenmesi sonucu ortaya çıkarlar. Bu makalede halk kitlesi arasında yaygın dini inanç ve uygulamaların bilimsel tetkikinde karşılaşılan güçlüklere ve alanın kendine has problemlerine makale sınırları çerçevesinde değinilmiş, popüler din incelemelerinde dikkat edilmesi gereken noktalara yer verilmiştir.

Difficulties and Suggestions in Studying of Popular Religious Attitudes

Popular religion is used to refer to collection of non-institutional, common beliefs and rites and sacred products among people. Despite its name, it is not a religion in the normal sense of a religion. Instead it is fusion of a variety of traditional, pagan and superstitious beliefs with concepts and beliefs drawn from mainstream religion. The notion of popular religion has to do with the discovery of archaic forms. It is at this level meaning of popular religion forms a continuum with both primitive religions and peasant and folk cultures in all parts of the world. But popular religious beliefs and practices exist into the mainstream religions too (e.g. Islam, Buddhism, Christianity etc.). Universal or institutional religions have differences and alterations as other great social institutions. Normative religious beliefs and practices that are determined by religious scholars have taken shape or become defined according to comprehension and intelligence of the masses. Popular religion has characteristics of the popular culture that get rid of deficiencies by religious-mythological elements coming from different resources or origins, for private purposes at that moment. For some people, especially for folk people, to find a solution their troubles, distresses and depressions is very important. Popular religious beliefs and practices occur especially in these conditions. In this meaning popular religion has the pragmatic and syncretic characteristic. Popular religion is the fact that has varieties and dimensions in its structure. Scientific and scholarly studies by anthropology, history of religions and sociology of knowledge about meaning of popular culture and religion indicate that popular religious forms have very different meanings and diversities. The studies about popular religion indicates these meanings © Değerler Eğitimi Merkezi under seven items. Firstly popular religion is identical with the organic form a society. In this sense, popular religion is closely related to the meaning of primitive and folk religion. Secondly, popular religion exists as the religion of the laity in a religious community in contrast to that of the clergy. Thirdly, popular religion signifies the pervasive beliefs, rituals and values of a society. Fourthly, popular religion exists as an amalgam of esoteric beliefs and practices differing from the common or civil religion, but usually located in the lower strata of a society. Fifthly, popular religion appears as the religion of a subclass or minority group in a culture. Sixthly, popular religion shows oneself as the religion of the masses in opposition to the religion of the sophisticated, discriminating and learned within a society. Lastly, popular religion appears as the creation of an ideology of religion by the elite levels of a society. So it seems, popular religion occurs in the different forms. Popular religion is a complex theme. Therefore it has some problems and difficulties. Science develops with problems. The scientific products are outcome of working studied by scientific problems. In this paper difficulties about scientific study and sociology of popular religious beliefs and practices among people have examined. In addition some suggestions about solution had been raised.


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