Kişisel ve Sosyal Bir Değer Olarak Okuryazarlık

Değer kavramı eğitim, iktisat, felsefe, antropoloji ve sosyoloji gibi çeşitli bilimlerin ortak kavramlarından biridir. Okuryazarlığın bu kavramın anlam çerçevesine girip girmediği tartışmalı bir konudur. Ancak insanın değer üreten bir varlık olması ve okuryazarlığı beğendiği, önem verdiği, istediği ve faydalı bulduğu bir davranış olarak tanımlaması bu kavramı kişisel bir değer olarak tanımlamamızı kolaylaştırabilir. Okuryazarlığın sosyal hayattaki bütün ilişkilere özel bir anlam yüklemesi de onu sosyal bir değer olarak düşünmemize imkân verebilir.Bu çalışma öncelikle okuryazarlık kavramının tarihsel süreç içinde nasıl tanımlandığına dair bir sürecin izini sürmektedir. Ayrıca toplumun değer atfettiği bir durumun (okuryazarlığın) zamanla bir değere dönüşüp dönüşemeyeceğini; bununla birlikte insanın varlığını gerçekleştirme yolu olarak kullandığı okuryazarlığın ardındaki düşüncenin bir değer olup olmadığını sorgulamaya çalışmaktadır.

Literacy as a Personal and Social Value

As a common concept of many fields such as philosophy, economics, anthropology, sociology, psychology and theology, the “value” is defined differently in each discipline. And at various disciplines, this concept is considered and processed through different aspects. Particularly, in philosophical, sociological and educational sciences “value” is examined more closely and implicitly. All definitions and explanations of “value” in different disciplines, allow us to understand the “literacy” as an educational concept through more qualified and broader perspective. We need such a perspective; because literacy is regarded as the basic reading and writing skills in our country. Started in 1970s and survived until 1990s, the theories and researches that focused within the frameworks of concepts “interaction” and “socialization” has changed the definition of literacy and made it different. Today, literacy is a term of education expressing the communication skills and attitudes. At the same time, it is the personal development subject that includes the person’s knowledge and skills to be used in the field of social and cultural issues. Moreover, literacy is defined as personal and social values that make people have creative and deeper values and find solutions the community’s problems and contribute to the advancement of society. After the 1990s, framework of the concept of literacy has continued to expand. Depending on technological developments, variations in living conditions in cities and new needs arisen, in developed societies, different literacy has begun to be concerned. Computer literacy, technology literacy, internet literacy, media literacy have emerged as various types of literacy. On the other hand, types of literacy such as information literacy, cultural literacy and universal literacy have developed. Literacy is a personal and social value on which non-governmental organizations and public educational institutions are trying to develop all over the world. The child’s interest in this value is emerging in the early years when he or she begins to be interested in reading and writing. Child’s first perceptions, manners and experiments related literacy starts and are shaped within the family. Family is a very important institution for the development of child’s literacy knowledge, skills and attitudes. However, in many researches, it seems that the family alone is not enough for the children to be literate. In addition, it is highlighted that educational institutions and families with non-governmental organizations and educational institutions must act together in cooperation with the family. This emphasis then has revealed as concept of the family literacy. As a result, in today’s conditions, for our country to have an advanced and literate society, it depends on giving special attention to literacy in all educational institutions, including education in the families and schools and efforts of non-governmental organizations. It is responsibility of non-governmental organizations and the state as well as the people to make this leap


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