Terminology of Consumer Confidence Index

The confidence in the economy leads to positive reflections in macroeconomic indicators as a result of the optimistic behavior of producers and consumers. The confidence-based environment positively affects individuals' consumption, expenditure, and savings. The consumer confidence index, which is an indicator of our expectations for the future, is important every passing day. Confidence indices have become a topic that needs to be dealt with in detail since they contain information about the course and future of the economy. Therefore, policymakers, financial market actors and real sector representatives closely follow the confidence indices. In this respect, this study is given information about the definition, importance, and history of the consumer confidence index, especially in the consumer confidence index. In addition to this, the consumer confidence index, calculation method, and development trend have been studied for Turkey.

Terminology of Consumer Confidence Index

The confidence in the economy leads to positive reflections in macroeconomic indicators as a result of the optimistic behavior of producers and consumers. The confidence-based environment positively affects individuals' consumption, expenditure, and savings. The consumer confidence index, which is an indicator of our expectations for the future, is important every passing day. Confidence indices have become a topic that needs to be dealt with in detail since they contain information about the course and future of the economy. Therefore, policymakers, financial market actors and real sector representatives closely follow the confidence indices. In this respect, this study is given information about the definition, importance, and history of the consumer confidence index, especially in the consumer confidence index. In addition to this, the consumer confidence index, calculation method, and development trend have been studied for Turkey.


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