Kentlileşen Gelenek, Geleneklileşen Kent

Bu çalışmanın konusunu, Türkiye örneğinde kırsal yapıdan kente göç sürecinde gelenek ve değişme oluşturmaktadır. Gelenekler; kent hayatına uyum gösterirken, kent ise kent hayatına göç süreciyle taşınan gelenekten etkilenmektedir. Dolayısıyla, gelenek kentlileşirken, kent de geleneklileşmektedir. Değişim ve dönüşüm, karşılıklılık temelinde ilerlemekte, melez bir görünüm sunmaktadır. Yönelim kentlere doğru olduğu için kent, geleneksellik ve modernliğin karşılaşma alanı olarak nitelenmekte, geleneğin kentlileşmesi süreci ise, kente özgü tutumlara göre ve kurumsal ve rasyonel davranmaya göre geleneğin kentlileşmesi boyutlarıyla incelenmektedir. Bu çalışmada modernleşme kuramının ikili, birbirini dışlayan ayrımı yerine Türk toplumu örneğinde "gelenek" ve modern" ayrımının birlikte ve iç içe geçmiş olarak bulunabildiği ön kabulünden hareket edilmektedir. Dolayısıyla tek yönlü kırsaldan kente veya geleneksellikten modernliğe doğru şeklinde düz gidişatı ifade eden bir okumayla Türk toplum yapısının çözümlenemeyeceğini savunmaktadır. Türk modernleşmesi sürecinin kentleşme, sanayileşme boyutunun ortaya çıkardığı göç olgusu, kent kültürüyle eklemlenmeye ve sonuçta yeni, karmaşık modeller ortaya çıkmaya devam etmektedir.

Tradition That Being Urbanized, Urban That Being Tradition

The subject of this study, tradition and change in the case of Turkey is process of rural-urban migration structure. Traditions compliance with urban life, urban life in the city is influenced by tradition that move in the process of migration, thus tradition that being urbanized, urban that being tradition. Change and transformation progress on the basis of reciprocity, offers a hybrid view. Tendency to be true for the cities, the urban is characterized as an area of confrontation of tradition and modernity. In the process of urbanization of tradition, ıt is examined to behave according to city-specific attitudes and institutional and the rational aspects of urbanization of tradition. In this study, rather than the binary theory of modernization that mutually exclusive distinction between tradition and the modern in the case of the Turkish society, it is started from pre-acceptance that the distinction between tradition and modern that containing up to be nested together in the case of the Turkish society. The phenomenon of migration emerge that size of industrialization and urbanization of Turkish modernization process, urban culture continues to articulation and new, complex models continue to emerge. While rural-to-urban migration continues (urbanization), on the other hand, rural-urban interaction (rurbanization) continues with the migration process. Breaking from soil, migration to the city continues despite everything. It is seen that it is going to a point that cannot be prevented. Migration was originally a tool, but it became a goal. The repulsion of the countryside and the attractiveness of the city force the masses to migrate. These people carry their culture and traditions with them to the city. The city is thus differentiating and transforming. Migrants face adaptation problems while trying to hold onto the city and need various mechanisms to feel safe. During the urbanization process, some of the traditional elements of the rural structure were maintained, while others were either changed or abandoned. For the immigrant, urban life has witnessed a confrontation of tradition and modernity. With the effect of some processes such as modernization, globalization and secularization in the world balance, tradition decreases not only in public institutions but also in daily life. The confrontation of tradition and modern is often in favor of the modern, including the religious sphere. But tradition did not disappear completely. On the contrary, as Giddens points out (2000: 57), tradition seems to continue to evolve and take root and maintain its existence with its different versions. Turkey in the 2010s in the village-urban divide, Günay (2012: 408.610) one way expressing "transitional society" is increasingly difficult to explain by conceptualizing. It is understood that the present table mostly emphasizes a non-directional reality that will eliminate the distinction between village and city. This reality, Turkey, for example, in the city, "unique to us" we can say that a new type of peasantry in the countryside with rural tradition and structure, individualized, and urban rationalization that confronts us offer a combination of a table. In a sense, it appears that although traditional and modern seem to evoke different poles, they cannot be thought independently of each other.


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