The Relation of Heart and Mind in The Asian Societies Reasoning heart: The Case of Yunus Emre

Öz This article, considers thatthe relation of heart and mind in the Asian Societies. The heart as the center of ıntuition and the mind as the emperor of the castle of body. Yunus Emre describes the heart as “the throne of God” whereas he refers to heart as the center of the Divine Light, mysteries, the wisdom and knowledge. Whereas the mind is the emperor of the castle of body, the heart is like a treasure between the mind and the body. This treasure opens up with the power of love. When the heart is accompanied by the mind, it attains at the station of emperorship. For Yunus Emre, reasoning and love are not remote and independent realities. On the contrary they are intertwined. They control each other. 
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Yunus Emre, Heart, Mind


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  • Mehmet Bayrakdar, Yunus Emre ve Aşk Felsefesi, Ankara, 1991.
  • Bilal Kemikli, Sû Şairin İzinde Şiir ve İrfan, İstanbul, 2009.