Environmental Awareness of The Students of Agricultural Universities in Poland and Ukraine

The article presents the practical foundations of environmental education in selected agricultural universities in Poland and Ukraine. Comparative analysis of environmental awareness of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural and Forestry Technology students was carried out. An important part of work is devoted to the analysis of the results of empirical studies that were conducted between 2004-2009 among students and lecturers of examined faculties of universities in both countries. The obtained results indicate different level of formation of environmental awareness by students in both countries, both in terms of the interest in environmental issues and environmental knowledge. The results of these studies confirmed that the level of environmental awareness of students of Polish universities high than in Ukraine, which may be explained by the more environmentally-oriented learning process in Polish universities. In particular, it is advisable to use modern teaching methods and techniques to activate the students and encourage them to work independently.

Environmental Awareness of The Students of Agricultural Universities in Poland and Ukraine

The article presents the practical foundations of environmental education in selected agricultural universities in Poland and Ukraine. Comparative analysis of environmental awareness of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural and Forestry Technology students was carried out. An important part of work is devoted to the analysis of the results of empirical studies that were conducted between 2004-2009 among students and lecturers of examined faculties of universities in both countries. The obtained results indicate different level of formation of environmental awareness by students in both countries, both in terms of the interest in environmental issues and environmental knowledge. The results of these studies confirmed that the level of environmental awareness of students of Polish universities high than in Ukraine, which may be explained by the more environmentally-oriented learning process in Polish universities. In particular, it is advisable to use modern teaching methods and techniques to activate the students and encourage them to work independently.


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