Development of “A Scale for Participation of Families to Inclusive Education Environments of Gifted and Talented Children”

Öz The aim of this research is to develop a scale in order to determine the participation level of families to inclusive preschool and primary school education environments, in which talented and gifted children receive education together with typically developing children. In this context, study group of the research was comprised of 1007 families, who had children studying in various preschool education institutions and primary schools, which provide inclusive education in Ankara province. Data obtained from 456 persons included to the study group were subjected to Exploratory factor analysis, and data obtained from 551 persons were subjected to Confirmatory factor analysis. We determined that the scale was comprised of 11 items and one-dimensional scale. The scale was named as “A Scale for Participation Of Families to the Inclusive Education Environment” in the direction of expert opinions and body of literature. The scale explains 42,58% of total variance. Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient was calculated in order to determine reliability of the scale, and we obtained the value of 0.89. As we examined the goodness of fit indexes that were obtained as a result of confirmatory factor analysis, we determined that the included items were good fit to the single-factor structure. Also, item-test correlations of the items were calculated, and we reached to the result that all of the values were above .30. Consequently, we determined that the scale comprised of 11 items and single-factor structure is reliable.


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