Implementation of The Fuzzy Dematel Method in Higher Education Course Selection: The Case of Eskişehir Vocational School

Öz Elective courses play an essential role in the process of improving students’ skills and also help with identifying their interests, talents and potentials for a given field or vocation. Therefore the relationships between course selection criteria have been considered crucial in the decision making process. In this study, the aim has been to determine what constitutes the course selection criteria for students in Eskişehir Vocatonal School. Given this aim, a survey was designed and applied to 50 student respondents from different departments (marketing, hospitality management, secretary and office management, foreign trade, culinary arts, real estate and property management) current at Eskişehir Vocational School. Criteria, which are defined within the literature review undertaken, are ranked according to importance level via the fuzzy DEMATEL (The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method. In addition, a general review of criteria has also been considered but as part of a cause and effect process, by using a causal diagram.


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  • (Accessing time: 15.04.2017)
  • (Accessing time: 20.01.2017)