AİHM’nin Kürtajla İlgili Kararlarındaki Etkililik İradesi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet İlişkisi

Kürtaj etik, hukuk ve toplumsal cinsiyet gibi birçok bağlamda uzun yıllardır


Abortion is a topic which has been discussed for years in different contextssuch as ethics, law and gender. These discussions are made within the scopeof women rights and life of the foetus. There are decisions of ECHR aboutabortion within the frame of Right to Life and Right to Respect for Private andFamily Life. In this study, it has discussed whether it is a right or should it beconsidered as a forbidden act or is abortion a necessity. Attitude of the courttoward abortion has been evaluated in the light of gender inequalities. In thiscontext, how ECHR approaches to abortion is handled. The results achievedabout court’s efficiency will on abortion in the context of sensibility for genderequality have been shared.


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