Kamu Personeli Seçme Sınavı Puanları İle Lisans Diploma Notu Arasındaki İlişkilerin Çeşitli Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi

Kamu kurum ve kuruluþlarýna ilk defa atanacak olan personelin seçme ve yerleþtirmesi, ÖSYM tarafýndan düzenlenen merkezi bir sýnavla yapýlmaktadýr. Bu araþtýrmada, öðretmen adaylarýnýn kamu personeli olabilmek için baþarýlý olmalarý gereken, Kamu Personeli Seçme Sýnavý (KPSS) puanlarý ve bu puanlar ile lisans diploma notu arasýndaki iliþkilerin çeþitli deðiþkenler açýsýndan incelenmesi amaçlanmýþtýr. Araþtýrma, Abant Ýzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eðitim Fakültesi’nden 2005-2006 öðretim yýlýnda mezun olan 1052 öðrenci ile yürütülmüþtür. Yapýlan analizler sonucunda, Kamu Personeli Seçme Sýnavý ve lisans diploma notu arasýnda, orta düzeyde anlamlý bir iliþki olduðu saptanmýþtýr. Mezun olunan on bir bölüm ayrý ayrý ele alýndýðýnda, Okul Öncesi Öðretmenliði (r=0.047) ve Sosyal Bilgiler Öðretmenliði’nden (r=0.042) mezun olan öðrenciler için bu iliþki yok denecek kadar azdýr. En yüksek iliþkiler ise, Resim Öðretmenliði’nden (r= 0.517) mezun olan öðrenciler ve Matematik Öðretmenliði’nden (r=0.518) mezun olan öðrencilerde gözlenmiþtir. Cinsiyet açýsýndan bu iliþkiler incelendiðinde, erkek öðrencilere göre, kýz öðrencilerin Kamu Personeli Seçme Sýnavý puanlarý ile lisans diploma notlarý arasýndaki iliþkinin daha yüksek olduðu saptanmýþtýr. I. Öðretimden mezun olan öðrencilerin Kamu Personeli Seçme Sýnavý puanlarý ve lisans diploma notu arasýndaki iliþkiler incelendiðinde, bu iliþkinin .27 düzeyinde olduðu; II. öðretimden mezun olan öðrencilerde ise bu iliþkinin .38 düzeyine yükseldiði görülmüþtür. Cinsiyete göre KPSS puanlarý incelendiðinde erkek öðrencilerin kýz öðrencilere göre daha yüksek puan aldýðý, öðretim türüne göre ise I. ve II. Öðretimden mezun olan öðrencilerin KPSS puanlarý arasýnda anlamlý bir fark olmadýðý saptanmýþtýr


Selection and placement of personnel to be appointed to public institutions and establishments for the first time is performed through a central examination carried out by the Center for Student Selection and Placement. This study aims to review the scores teacher candidates need to achieve in the Civil Servant Selection Examination (KPSS) in order to be appointed as public personnel and the relationships between these scores and undergraduate cumulative general point average (CGPA) in terms of various variables. The subjects of the research were 1052 students who graduated from Abant Ýzzet Baysal University Faculty of Education in the 2005-2006 academic year. As a result of the analyses, it was found that there is a medium-level meaningful relationship between Civil Servant Selection Exam and undergraduate CGPA. When eleven departments were taken into consideration separately, it is observed that this relationship was rather low for the students who graduated from Pre-School Teaching (r=0.047) and Social Sciences Teaching (r=0.042). The strongest relationship is observed in students who graduated from Art Teaching (r= 0.517) and Mathematics Teaching (r=0.518). When these relationships were examined in terms of gender, it was found that the relationship between the Civil Service Selection Exam scores and undergraduate CGPA of female students was higher than that of male students. When the relationships between Public Personnel Selection Exam scores and undergraduate CGPA of students who graduated from formal education programs were examined, it was observed that the relationship was at a level of .27 and it was found to be at a level of .38 for the students who graduated from secondary education programs. It was also found that male students achieved higher scores than female students when KPSS scores were compared in terms of gender while there was no meaningful difference between KPSS scores of students who graduated from formal and secondary education programs in terms of education type. 


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