An Investigation Of The Relationships Between Self-Compassion, Motivation, And Burnout With Structural Equation Modeling[English]

Bu araþtýrmanýn amacý öz-duyarlýk, motivasyon ve tükenmiþlik arasýndaki iliþkileri incelemektir. Araþtýrma 357 komiser adayý üzerinde yürütülmüþtür. Araþtýrmada ölçme araçlarý olarak, Öz-duyarlýk Ölçeði (Akýn, Akýn, & Abacý, 2007), Motivasyon Ölçeði (Onur, 1998) ve Maslach Tükenmiþlik Ölçeði (Maslach & Jackson, 1981; Ergin, 1992) kullanýlmýþtýr. Öz-duyarlýk, motivasyon ve tükenmiþlik arasýndaki iliþkiler korelasyonla incelenmiþ, hipotez modeli yapýsal eþitlik modeliyle test edilmiþtir. Veriler LISREL 8.54 and SPSS 11,5 programlarýyla analiz edilmiþtir. Korelasyondan elde edilen bulgular, öz-duyarlýðýn özsevecenlik, paylaþýmlarýn bilincinde olma ve bilinçlilik alt boyutlarýnýn motivasyonla pozitif, öz-yargýlama ve izolasyon boyutlarýnýn ise motivasyonla negatif iliþkili olduðunu ortaya koymuþtur. Tükenmiþliðin duygusal tükenme ve duyarsýzlaþma boyutlarý motivasyonla negatif, kiþisel baþarý boyutu ise motivasyonla pozitif iliþkili bulunmuþtur. Yapýsal eþitlik modelinden elde edilen uyum indeksleri modelin iyi uyum verdiðini göstermiþtir (x2=34.04, df=27, p=0.00, RMSEA=.027, NFI=.98, CFI=1.00, IFI=1.00, RFI=.97, GFI=.98, AGFI=.96, and SRMR=.038). Path analizi sonuçlarý, öz-duyarlýðýn öz-sevecenlik, paylaþýmlarýn bilincinde olma ve bilinçlilik boyutlarýnýn motivasyonu pozitif, öz-yargýlama ve izolasyon boyutlarýnýn ise motivasyonu negatif yordadýðýný ortaya koymuþtur. Ayrýca motivasyon duygusal tükenme ve duyarsýzlaþmayý negatif, kiþisel baþarýyý ise pozitif yordamýþtýr. Bulgular literatür doðrultusunda tartýþýlmýþtýr.


The aim of this research was to investigate the relationships between selfcompassion, motivation, and burnout. The participants were 357 police chief candidates, who completed a questionnaire package that included Self-compassion Scale (Akýn, Akýn, & Abacý, 2007), Motivation Skills Scale (Onur, 1998), and Maslach Burnout Scale (Maslach & Jackson, 1981; Ergin, 1992). The relationships between self-compassion, motivation, and achievement goals were examined using correlation analysis and the hypothesis model was tested through structural equation modeling. Data were analyzed by LISREL 8.54 and SPSS 11.5. Findings demonstrated that self-kindness, awareness of common humanity, and mindfulness related positively and self-judgment and isolation related negatively to motivation. In addition, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization negatively and personal accomplishment associated positively with motivation. Also results from structural equation modeling showed that the model fitted well (x2=34.04, df=27, p=0.00, RMSEA=.027, NFI=.98, CFI=1.00, IFI=1.00, RFI=.97, GFI=.98, AGFI=.96, and SRMR=.038). According to this model, motivation was predicted positively by self-kindness, awareness of common humanity, and mindfulness and was predicted negatively by self-judgment and isolation. Further emotional exhaustion and depersonalization were predicted negatively and personal accomplishment was predicted positively by motivation. Results were discussed in the light of the literature.


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Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1303-0493
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2000
  • Yayıncı: Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi
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An Investigation Of The Relationships Between Self-Compassion, Motivation, And Burnout With Structural Equation Modeling[English]

Bayram ÇETİN, Hasan Basri GÜNDÜZ, Ahmet AKIN